
Forensic medicine is a science that is a set of general biological and medical knowledge and research, and in its development, improvement and practical implementation is aimed at solving issues related to medicine and biology in the activities of law enforcement officers.

At the moment, this science serves to improve the quality of medical care to the population based on forensic medical examination materials.

Goals and objectives of science

The purpose of teaching the subject is to acquire theoretical knowledge and practical skills in forensic medicine necessary for future medical work.

Objectives of science:

– familiarizing students with the features of providing medical care during a forensic medical examination;

– study the damaging factors (etiology) that are important in the provision of qualified medical care for injuries, the mechanism of injury (pathogenesis, traumatogenesis);

– introduction of features of the participation of doctors as a specialist, medical expert, member of an expert commission in various procedural actions in accordance with current legal documents;

– teach students to correctly explain and conduct educational work among the population and patients in future medical activities.

Knowledge, skills and abilities of students

qualification requirements

In the process of mastering the science of forensic medicine, a bachelor:

– organizational and procedural aspects of forensic examination;

– cases subject to forensic medical examination;

– damaging factors in injuries, mechanisms of injury;

– the importance of medical documents and the information contained in them when conducting forensic medical examinations;

– basic principles for determining the occurrence of death and the period of death;

– features of forensic medical assessment of the severity of bodily injuries;

– must know the importance of forensic medical examination data in cases of sudden death, mechanical injuries, poisoning and similar cases in preventing these unpleasant situations;

– registration of a medical death certificate;

– participation in the inspection of the scene of the incident or the place where the corpse was found, exhumation and testimony to living persons;

– description of bodily injuries to a living person or corpse;

– must have the skills to assist in obtaining materials for forensic laboratory research.

– determine whether death has occurred;

– determination of the date of death;

– inspection and description of the corpse’s clothing;

– must have the skills to describe various types of bodily injuries.