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Welcome to the website of our department!
The following subjects are taught at the department:
Legal Foundations of medical аctivity – 6, 1st-2nd medical and medical-pedagogical faculties (34 hours);
Forensic Medicine – 5, medical-preventive faculty (36 hours);
Forensic Medicine – 4, 1st-2nd medical, medical-pedagogical faculties (45 hours);
Forensic Medicine – 4, medical-preventive faculty (30 hours);
Forensic Medicine and Legal Foundations of medical аctivity – 4, faculty of medical biology (45 hours);
Pharmaceutical Bioethics – 3, faculty of pharmacy (45 hours);
Bioethics – 2, faculty of medical biology (30 hours);
Bioethics – 2, faculty of pharmacy (60 hours);
Bioethics – 2, faculty of traditional medicine (45 hours);
Bioethics – 2, 1-2 medical faculties (75 hours);
Bioethics – 2, management faculty (60 hours);
Legal foundations of medical activity – 2, faculty of OMX (60 hours);
Bioethics – 2, pediatric faculty (75 hours);
The department also has a master’s degree and clinical residency.
Goals and objectives
The main goal of teaching forensic medicine and medical law is to train specialists for scientific and methodological, research work and practical activities in the field of healthcare.
According to this goal, the main tasks are to train high-quality, competitive, moral and educational personnel in accordance with state standards based on educational programs.
Educational base
Republican scientific and practical center of forensic medical examination, 2nd floor.
(10 classrooms. 1 lecture hall)
Our address
Tashkent city, Almazar district, Shifokorlar-2, building 7-M,